
I-ICS & I-ISO Classes


Industrial Incident Command System (I-ICS) 32 hours

Who: The target audience is for those that are likely to be the Initial Attack Incident Commander (s) for an all/risk all hazards emergency event in the industrial setting or those that may fill any ICS management position. This class utilizes NIMS format and the practices and principles outlined in NFPA 1081. Click Here

Industrial Incident Safety Officer (I-ISO) 16 hours

Who: The Target Audience for this class is any experienced Industrial Brigade member who is likely to be placed in the Safety Officer role at your facility during an all hazard/all risk emergency event. This class will be delivered using NFA curriculum with emphasis placed upon the industrial setting and the compiling of Site Safety Plans as well as accountability procedures. Click Here

Fire Service Instructor

TBA Click Here

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“This was a very well thought out and educational class. The content was applicable to our field and was conveyed in a way that I can take it back to work and use it tomorrow. This class has motivated me to go back and better prepare myself to deal with emergencies at our facility”
George J. Shift Supervisor

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